Despite the fact that the harvest on our farms this year was smaller than the year before - due to the long period of draught and the invasion of voles – the traditions must be respected, which is also why our agricultural cooperatives of PD Čečejovce and PD Popudinské Močidľany decided to organize the Open Day and the Harvest Festival.
Záhorie saw the celebrations on 10 August, 2019. Both old and young – clad in beautiful traditional clothes – gathered in St. Stephen´s Church in Popudiny where a holy service was held to offer thanks for the harvest season. After the mass a symbolic harvest wreath was given to our cooperative´s chairman, Mr. Pavol Tokoš, and the vice-chair, Ms. Zdenka Smolinská, who took it to our premises accompanied by the retinue of guests. The agricultural cooperative held a ceremonial meal for a small group of invited, including the mayor of Popudinské Počidľany and the mayors of neighbouring villages.
The Open Day visitors had also the opportunity to walk around the cooperative´s grounds, see the pastures, stables for cattle and exhibits of agricultural machinery. At the nearby sports ground there was some refreshment prepared in a form of game goulash, beer and kofola, together with an off-programme – nicely handled by duo Červenka. Traditionally the visitors were offered a ride in a horse carriage.
Local fire brigade came up with a surprise both for young and old – instead of water, the fire engine sprayed foam on the sports ground which became a source of excitement for many. This year there were once again more than two hundred people who came and stayed until the late evening.